FAQs - Orders
Shopping at KAMPOS is 100% safe! We are a member of "Verified by Visa" and "Secure by MasterCard", providing additional security when using your payment cards online. We use industry-standard encryption systems for potentially sensitive information, such as your name, address and other critically sensitive information like your credit / debit card details. Information passed between your computer and our website cannot be read in the event of someone else intercepting it.
After placing your order, you will be directed to an order confirmation page, containing your order number. It will also be emailed to you (this could take up to 30 minutes to reach your inbox). Once our warehouse team has processed your order, you will receive a second email to inform you that your order is on its way.
Unfortunately, our website does not currently allow you to change or cancel anything yourself – please write us an email at info@kampos.com, specifying your order number, and we will assist you further.
Our packaging policy is clear and strict. We do not (and we will never) use single use plastics anywhere in our packaging. We thought through every single material of our packaging in order to ensure that everything is made of recycled materials and 100% recyclable. We've partnered with suppliers sharing the same vision as us and all our packaging materials are FSC/PEFC certified.